Fairlead’s Katie Stockton says equities and Bitcoin still in bull market cycle

Katie Stockton, founder and managing partner at Fairlead Strategies, believes the broader equities market and Bitcoin (BTC) are still in a bull market cycle.

Stockton shared her view of the market during an interview on CNBC’s ‘Squawk Box’ on Monday.

Highlighting the current market outlook compared to three weeks ago, she said:

“We were in a little bit of a pullback but that’s been sort of solved on the upside for the S&P. You know, hasn’t quite resolved yet, [but] almost, we’re very close to that. Where that happens is actually on a strong open above 5440, so we’ve been using that as a bit of a stop loss on the upside.”

Extremely low volatility in recent weeks has seen some analysts warn that the pullbacks may be that “calm before the storm.”

However, the Fairlead Strategies founder says support remains intact and that the market may be looking at an explosion to the upside as the lower volatility cycle dissipates.

Bitcoin vs. Nasdaq 100

Katie Stockton also commented on Bitcoin, noting that the Federal Reserve’s decision to hold interest rates and only signal for potential a single cut in 2024 could see Bitcoin struggle.

“We’ve been watching bitcoin because the correlation to the Nasdaq 100 has been increasing back to levels that we haven’t seen since like 2021. And to me that’s interesting. It does show that now investors are treating things as a risk asset broadly, right, including Bitcoin, including equities,” she added.

Bitcoin price has struggled since reaching highs of k in March, while the Nasdaq 100 has eased higher, moving higher since mid-April.  

However, despite Bitcoin’s lack of upside momentum and the divergence with the Nasdaq 100, Fairlead Strategies says both BTC and the stock market could yet go higher.  

“We still believe in this bull market cycle for Bitcoin and equities. But we do sense that that divergence will ultimately probably catch up with the Nasdaq 100 Index as soon as people say, ‘wait, a second, Nvidia’s maybe a little bit overstretched here’.”

On Monday, Bitcoin changed hands around ,200 at 12:25 pm ET.

Tổng hợp và chỉnh sửa: ThS Phạm Mạnh Cường
Theo Crypto News

By Phạm Mạnh Cường

Phạm Mạnh Cường là một nhà đầu tư Tiền mã hoá và giảng dạy Blockchain ở Trường Đại học Kinh tế - Luật, Đại học Quốc gia Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam. Tác giả đã có bằng Thạc sĩ Khoa học máy tính từ năm 2011 tại Đại học Bách Khoa Hồ Chí Minh. Tính đến nay tác giả đã có kinh nghiệm 7 năm giảng dạy cho sinh viên về công nghệ Blockchain và 8 năm đầu tư trong lĩnh vực Tiền mã hoá từ 2016. Tác giả hiện sở hữu hàng nghìn bài viết tổng hợp, nhận định và chỉnh sửa về Tiền mã hoá và Tiền điện tử chất lượng trên Website và ở nhiều kênh khác.

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