Chuyên mục lưu trữ: NFT

Tin tức về các dự án Non-Fungible Token (tài sản không thể thay thế) hàng đầu thị trường

NFT đang đấu tranh để giành sự chú ý từ memecoin

NFTmemecoin đều đóng vai trò riêng trong hệ sinh thái tiền điện tử.

NFT, với đặc điểm là tài sản số độc nhất, thường gắn liền với quyền sở hữu các vật phẩm hoặc trải nghiệm cụ thể, và giá trị của chúng có thể gắn bó chặt chẽ với sự hiếm có và nguồn gốc của chúng. Ngược lại, các memecoin thường trở nên phổ biến nhờ văn hóa internet lan truyền và sự hưng phấn do cộng đồng tạo ra.

Yat Siu, chủ tịch quỹ đầu tư mạo hiểm Web3 Animoca Brands của Hồng Kông, cho biết mặc dù NFT hiện có thể bị lu mờ bởi sự hào hứng tạm thời và đầu cơ xung quanh memecoin, nhưng tính độc đáo và tính hữu ích vốn có của chúng mang lại giá trị lâu dài. Sự liên quan lâu dài này có thể đến từ khả năng của NFT trong việc đại diện cho quyền sở hữu, cung cấp quyền truy cập vào nội dung độc quyền, hoặc tạo điều kiện cho những hình thức tương tác và sáng tạo số mới.


Yat Siu – Chủ tịch Animoca Brands

Trong khi Animoca là nhà đầu tư dài hạn vào NFT, toàn bộ thị trường đang phải vật lộn để cạnh tranh với con số cao nhất vào năm 2021 và 2022. Theo dữ liệu của Cryptoslam, tuần ngày 22/8/2021 chứng kiến ​​tổng khối lượng giao dịch NFT là 3,24 tỷ đô la, trong khi thị trường ghi nhận khoảng 80 triệu đô la vào tuần trước.

Nguồn: Cryptoslam

Chủ tịch Animoca cho biết:

“Hiện tại, NFT đang đấu tranh để giành được sự chú ý từ memecoin. Mặc dù memecoin có thể thay thế được, nhưng đã đảm nhận một phần vai trò của NFT trong việc thể hiện văn hóa đối với nhiều người nổi tiếng, KOL và người dùng”.

“Ba năm trước, tôi không biết có bao nhiêu nghìn dự án NFT được tung ra mỗi ngày và bây giờ điều đó được thấy ở memecoin. Cuối cùng, khi chu kỳ đó diễn ra… điều gì sẽ trở nên quan trọng hơn đối với danh tiếng của bạn, không phải vì tiền bạc? NFT”.

Siu nói thêm rằng tương lai sẽ tập trung vào Web3 như một phương tiện để xây dựng danh tiếng vững chắc.

“Một trong những vấn đề hiện nay chúng tôi gặp phải trong Web3 là có quá nhiều người chỉ nghĩ đến vốn kinh tế và họ vẫn chưa xác định đầy đủ tính chất Web3 như một danh tiếng”.

Theo Siu, khi Web3 phát triển để thể hiện vốn văn hóa, xã hội và biểu tượng, người dùng sẽ nhận ra tầm quan trọng của layer danh tiếng trong blockchain, nơi NFT đóng một vai trò không thể thiếu với tính không thể thay thế của nó.

Cuộc bầu cử Hoa Kỳ đang diễn ra

Trong khi đó, kết quả bầu cử Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ sắp tới có thể quyết định con đường phát triển tiền điện tử mà nền kinh tế lớn nhất thế giới đang đi. Siu cho biết:

“Đến tháng 11, Hoa Kỳ sẽ đặt mục tiêu giành lại vị trí dẫn đầu trong lĩnh vực tiền điện tử. Nếu là Trump, sẽ rực sáng. Còn nếu là Harris, tôi nghĩ sẽ thận trọng hơn nhưng không tiêu cực”.

Nhà sáng lập Animoca cho biết với quan điểm lạc quan của mình. Tiền điện tử trở lại tích cực ở Hoa Kỳ sẽ làm sống lại các hoạt động đầu tư mạo hiểm vốn tương đối im ắng kể từ khi FTX sụp đổ. Siu cũng nhấn mạnh tiềm năng gia tăng dòng vốn sẽ kích thích sự tương tác giữa các ngành công nghiệp Web3 ở Hoa Kỳ, châu Á và các khu vực khác trên thế giới.

“Trong Web3, mọi chủ sở hữu token đều là một nhà đầu tư. Vì vậy, hãy tưởng tượng toàn bộ Hoa Kỳ hiện đang trở nên cởi mở hơn với tiền điện tử… Điều này về cơ bản mở ra một hình thức thanh khoản hoàn toàn mới”.

Trên nền tảng dự đoán phi tập trung Polymarket, tỷ lệ Phó Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ Kamala Harris thắng cử ở mức 53% tại thời điểm viết bài, trong khi cơ hội chiến thắng của Donald Trump giảm xuống 46% từ 70% vào giữa tháng 7.

Trong khi Trump bày tỏ sự ủng hộ đối với blockchain và crypto, chiến dịch của Harris gần đây đã bắt đầu hợp tác với các nhà lãnh đạo tiền điện tử như Mark Cuban để quảng bá “Crypto for Harris”. Một nhóm các chuyên gia và các nhà lập pháp dự kiến ​​​​sẽ phát biểu vào thứ 4 tại một sự kiện có tên “Crypto4Harris” nhằm nỗ lực cải thiện mối quan hệ của ngành công nghiệp tiền điện tử với Harris.

IPO tiềm năng

Trong khi đó, Animoca đang cân nhắc các lựa chọn để có thể quay trở lại thị trường đại chúng sau khi hủy niêm yết khỏi Australian Securities Exchange vào năm 2020. Công ty cho biết họ đang xem xét việc phát hành cổ phiếu lần đầu ra công chúng (IPO) ở Hồng Kông hoặc Trung Đông vào cuối năm 2025 hoặc đầu năm 2026.

“Thành thật mà nói, tôi nghĩ năm 2026 có nhiều khả năng xảy ra hơn”, Siu nói.

Trong khi Siu cho biết công ty vẫn chưa chọn được cố vấn cho đợt IPO tiềm năng, Animoca dự định tiến hành một buổi roadshow vào tháng 9 để chuẩn bị. Roadshow này cho phép các nhà đầu tư xem xét sáng kiến ​​hiện tại và kế hoạch tương lai của công ty, chẳng hạn như IPO, mà không nhằm mục đích bán chứng khoán.

Animoca cho biết trong một tiết lộ vào tháng 4 rằng họ vẫn “mạnh về tài chính” với số dư tiền mặt và stablecoin là 291 triệu đô la. Siu cho biết tính đến nay công ty đã đầu tư vào khoảng 540 dự án Web3.



Minh Anh

Theo The Block

Tokenizing agricultural trades will transform global food chains | Opinion

Agriculture, the bedrock of human civilization, faces unprecedented challenges in the 21st century. With climate change threatening traditional farming practices and the global population expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, driving a 51% increase in food demand, the development of new and innovative solutions to help improve the industry is imperative. 

The tokenization of agricultural trade has emerged as a promising solution to many of its most modern challenges. Many tokenization projects have focused on fractionalizing illiquid assets, also known as real-world assets (RWAs), enabling buyers and sellers to transfer ownership faster.

However, there is a common misunderstanding that tokenization is synonymous with fractionalization. Tokenization refers to the process of converting something of value into a digital token usable on a blockchain. For instance, we could tokenize the Mona Lisa as an NFT, representing the entire artwork as a single digital token. Alternatively, we could tokenize and fractionalize the piece of art and allow multiple people to own a part of it in the form of NFTs.

These two approaches address different issues. The former, tokenizing the art as a single NFT, deals with the ownership of the asset and enables easier transferability. You don’t need to put it in an auction house and pay exorbitant fees to lawyers to transfer ownership—you simply need to transfer the NFT to transfer the legal ownership.

The fractionalizing of the Mona Lisa addresses liquidity issues associated with the painting’s price. Since the Mona Lisa costs hundreds of millions, fractionalizing it allows multiple people to purchase shares of it and be bound to its future success. This also provides them with the opportunity to easily buy into and sell out of the asset.

We don’t need to tokenize the underlying assets in agriculture as they’re already divisible; the holy grail is to tokenize the contractual agreements themselves. The benefits of tokenization for farmers are clear—instant settlements of contracts, the removal of unnecessary documentation, and a unified legal structure to the underlying trade process. A great deal of the current cost and friction in traditional agricultural systems is in transacting between jurisdictions—blockchain-based transactions will simplify this.

In the coming years, more marketplaces will leverage blockchain technology to tokenize agricultural trade. This shift is driven by the complexity of legal contracts, which can be simplified through smart contracts. These contracts will unify and automate underlying processes, removing friction and resolving issues efficiently—this will enable farmers to focus on what they do best. 

The challenges facing agriculture

The agricultural sector is fraught with challenges that make it insufficient and unfair for stakeholders within the supply chain.

According to a study, a 350g four-pack of supermarket beefburgers priced at £3.50 sees the beef farmer incurring high costs of 90p but receiving a profit of only 0.03% (0.1p). In contrast, with similar costs, the processor earns ten times the profit (1p), and the retailer earns 70 times the profit (7p). This pattern is seen across the sector: for a pack of mild cheddar, the farmer receives 0.02p, for bread, 0.01p, and for apples, just 1% of the retail price. 

One major reason for profit disparity is the fragmented nature of the supply chains requiring multiple intermediaries. Blockchain applications are streamlining these processes by automating transactions and reducing friction for and with intermediaries, thus lowering costs and increasing transparency. Furthermore, inefficiencies and a lack of transparency in the supply chain can lead to disproportionate profit distribution, with farmers often at the beginning of the supply chain bearing a disproportionate amount of risk for the reward they receive. This disparity highlights the need for improved market platforms and better support systems for farmers to ensure fairer profit distribution. 

Solution through innovation

The tokenization of agricultural trade will play a crucial role in creating more transparency and efficiency in the supply chain. This will ultimately provide farmers with a fairer share of the profits and end users with cheaper products.

The agricultural industry needs a blockchain-based real-world assets marketplace to bring the $2.7 trillion agricultural trade on-chain. Immutable ledger technology brings a layer of verified trust to a system that has used papers and pens for too long. Settlement has relied for too long on archaic banking channels, and finally, access to markets has been riven by unnecessary additional hands.

A new blockchain-based system would enable instant settlement of transactions, with fees of only 0.15% for each side of the trade. This is in stark contrast to traditional systems, where fees can be several percentage points per trade.

For example, Oldenburg Vineyards, one of the biggest wine producers in South Africa has recently settled one of the first agricultural trades on Solana. Adrian Vanderspuy, owner and CEO of Oldenburg Vineyards, stated:

We settled the first-ever trade on a public blockchain, and it is now on its way from South Africa to London. The funds came into our account in seconds rather than days, and the fees were £5. We look forward to continuing our partnership and bringing more of our stock on-chain. This will help us to reduce transaction and remittance costs, as well as the time it takes to receive payments.

Stories like the above are just the beginning of the agricultural trade revolution.

The road ahead

As we face the challenges of feeding a growing population, reducing food waste, and ensuring sustainability, tokenizing RWA trades offers a compelling solution. By leveraging blockchain technology and its ability to provide decentralized transparency and lower the cost of transacting, we can address the inefficiencies of traditional supply chain systems. This approach promises a new era of efficiency and accountability in agriculture, ultimately helping to secure a sustainable future for global food production.

Additionally, enhancing transparency is a key benefit of the tokenization of agricultural trade. Blockchain technology ensures that all transactions are recorded on an immutable ledger, providing transparency across the supply chain. 

This can help reduce fraud and ensure that farmers and end-users receive fairer prices. Blockchain’s primary attributes—traceability, immutability, and provenance—promote transparency in supply chains. Farmers urgently need these blockchain properties to secure fair remuneration for their work and sustain their efforts to feed the growing global population.

Tổng hợp và chỉnh sửa: ThS Phạm Mạnh Cường
Theo Crypto News

IOTA launches blockchain tool to simplify music rights management

IOTA has introduced a new blockchain-based tool aimed at simplifying music rights management in the film industry.

IOTA (IOTA), a distributed ledger focused on the exchange of value and data, has unveiled a blockchain-driven tool designed to transform the management of music rights in films, addressing what the project describes as a traditionally time-consuming process.

The new solution, developed under the European Blockchain Pre-Commercial Procurement initiative and funded by the European Commission, leverages distributed ledger technology to streamline negotiations and secure intellectual property rights more efficiently, according to an Aug. 12 blog announcement.

The core of IOTA’s latest solution is the Smart Contracts for Media system, which automates contracts between film producers and rights holders. These smart contracts are self-executing digital agreements, intended to reduce the time traditionally required for negotiations and payment processes.

IOTA brings NFTs to revolutionize IP rights management

IOTA claims its solution promises to “revolutionize the way intellectual property rights are handled,” enabling producers to select predefined contract templates, make real-time adjustments, and finalize terms digitally. Once agreed upon, the smart contracts are deployed on the IOTA Smart Contract Chain, ensuring the agreements are immutable.

The tool also incorporates non-fungible tokens to represent rights and obligations. These NFTs contain unique identifiers that link to detailed data stored off-chain using the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized storage solution.

The initiative seeks to address long-standing challenges in intellectual property rights protection, an area where blockchain has yet to offer a standardized solution. Other firms, such as U.S.-based Dapper Labs — known for the CryptoKitties video game — have also introduced NFT licenses to broaden the use cases for digital arts, outlining what owners can legally do with their assets.

However, IOTA claims its system improves the traceability and security of rights management, facilitating easier verification of ownership and contractual terms for all parties involved.

Tổng hợp và chỉnh sửa: ThS Phạm Mạnh Cường
Theo Crypto News

NFT giant Animoca Brands partners with Lamborghini

Italian sports car manufacturer Lamborghini and Animoca Brands have announced a collaboration to “drive automotive brand engagement.”

Automobili Lamborghini, the Italian luxury sports car maker, and Hong Kong-based crypto firm Animoca Brands have announced a partnership focused on enhancing brand engagement within the automotive industry.

In an Aug. 8 blog announcement, Animoca Brands said the collaboration will leverage both companies’ expertise to create “unique experiences for Automobili Lamborghini’s fans and customers,” without elaborating on the matter. While details of the collaboration are yet to be disclosed, web3 creative design studio Gravitaslabs and Motorverse, an Animoca Brands venture focused on digital vehicles, have been selected as exclusive partners for this initiative, the announcement reads.

Lamborghini deepens its blockchain roots

The latest collaboration is not Lamborghini’s first foray into blockchain-related initiatives. In August 2022, the luxury automaker partnered with NFT PRO and INVNT to launch a series of non-fungible tokens featuring its iconic vehicles in different locations under the title “Road Trip NFT.”

The project, which continued until March 2023, released monthly collections of NFTs, each available for a limited time. The initiative was part of Lamborghini’s broader strategy to explore modern collecting and engage with new generations through digital art and NFTs.

At that time, Christian Mastro, Lamborghini’s marketing director, described NFTs as a “new exclusive, unconventional proposal” and a “new form of expression for new generations.” Additionally, Lamborghini made headlines when RM Sotheby’s auctioned the last Lamborghini Aventador LP 780-4 Ultimae Coupé, paired with a one-of-one NFT, marking a crossover between physical luxury and the world of tokenized assets.

Tổng hợp và chỉnh sửa: ThS Phạm Mạnh Cường
Theo Crypto News

MonkeDAO launches probe amid allegations over treasury discrepancies

MonkeDAO, the community behind Solana’s Monkey Business Gen2 NFT collection, has launched an internal probe following allegations of treasury fund discrepancies.

MonkeDAO, the community that oversees Solana‘s NFT collection Monkey Business Gen2, has launched an internal probe following allegations concerning discrepancies in its treasury funds. The probe was announced by Ariel Givner, the DAO’s acting general counsel, in an X statement on Aug. 7 addressing the claims.

The investigation was triggered by X user @hankobaggins, who raised concerns over why approximately 586 SOL — or about half of the MonkeDAO validator earnings since December 2023 — had not been allocated to the treasury, sparking apprehension within the community regarding the management of funds.

“Our primary goal is to ensure transparency and accountability within our operations. We are committed to providing a detailed explanation and resolving any issues that may have occurred.”

Ariel Givner

Givner emphasized that MonkeDAO takes these claims “very seriously,” adding that the DAO is committed to transparency and accountability. The organization aims to resolve the issue promptly and provide a detailed explanation of any financial irregularities, she added.

Launched in 2021, MonkeDAO is a community of crypto investors backing the development of Solana Monkey Business, one of Solana’s pioneering NFT collections. Despite the recent incident, Solana Monkey Business NFT holders remain unfazed, with the price floor for an NFT rising 4% to 21.61 SOL, according to CoinGecko data.

Tổng hợp và chỉnh sửa: ThS Phạm Mạnh Cường
Theo Crypto News

CoinGecko: Chỉ 19% nhà đầu tư mong đợi sự trở lại của NFT trong chu kỳ này

Một cuộc khảo sát gần đây của CoinGecko cho thấy 54,1% nhà đầu tư không mong đợi các NFT sẽ quay trở lại trong chu kỳ thị trường hiện tại. Chỉ 19,4% số người được hỏi bày tỏ sự lạc quan về sự hồi sinh của NFT trong thời gian tới.

Nguồn: CoinGecko

Cuộc khảo sát thu thập phản hồi từ 2.558 người tham gia tiền điện tử cho thấy 29,5% hoàn toàn không đồng ý với khả năng NFT quay trở lại, trong khi 24,7% ít bi quan hơn nhưng vẫn hoài nghi. Lập trường trung lập được 26,4% số người tham gia đưa ra.

Tâm lý đối với NFT vẫn nhất quán ở các cấp độ trải nghiệm tiền điện tử khác nhau, trong đó những người mới và những người kỳ cựu có chung quan điểm. Tuy nhiên, các nhà xây dựng và khán giả tỏ ra lạc quan hơn so với các nhà đầu tư và trader.

Theo báo cáo, NFT vẫn được các nhà phát triển coi là công cụ tương tác mạnh mẽ, mặc dù hiện tại thiếu động lực đầu cơ. Caitlyn Burns, Giám đốc cấp cao tại Candy Digital, đã tuyên bố rằng tương tác thông qua NFT khác biệt với mọi thứ được thấy trong Web2.

“Và đây là thứ vượt qua các điều kiện thị trường vì tiện ích, trải nghiệm khi tham gia các chương trình này lớn hơn bất kỳ tháng cụ thể nào, bất kỳ thời điểm cụ thể nào trong một cộng đồng đầu cơ”, cô nói thêm.

Các mặt hàng trong game và metaverse là trường hợp sử dụng NFT phổ biến nhất, với 17,2% người tham gia coi đây là trường hợp hứa hẹn nhất. Meme (9,5%), ảnh hồ sơ (8,3%) và tác phâm nghệ thuật (7,6%) là các ứng dụng tiếp theo được ưa chuộng khác.

Nguồn: CoinGecko

Đáng chú ý, 36,9% số người được hỏi xác định là gấu NFT hoặc bày tỏ sự thờ ơ với công nghệ này. Cuộc khảo sát được thực hiện từ ngày 25/6 đến ngày 8/7/2024, với những người tham gia chủ yếu đến từ Châu Âu, Châu Á, Bắc Mỹ và Châu Phi.



Đình Đình

Theo Cryptobriefing

Hyperbolic and Mintify raise over $10m in latest web3 VC deals

So far this week, two web3 startups have collectively raised over $10 million in venture capital funding.

Hyperbolic raises $7 million

Hyperbolic, a blockchain-based artificial intelligence project, raised $7 million in a seed funding round, as the project reported on X yesterday.

The startup plans to develop an open-access AI cloud platform that aggregates GPU power and helps reduce computing costs for AI-based startups. The firm uses blockchain technology to maintain the security and transparency of its services. 

The funding round was led by Polychain Capital and Lightspeed Faction. Other notable participants included LongHash, Bankless Ventures, Republic Digital, Chapter One, Nomad Capital, CoinSummer Labs and Third Earth Capital.

The investment round also saw participation from angel investors, such as former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan, Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal, and Illia Polosukhin, co-founder of Near Protocol. 

Besides using the fresh funds to develop its first product, an AI inference service, the startup will also allocate resources towards establishing an ecosystem for developers and strengthening its team with new hires.

Mintify raises $3.4 million

Mintify is an NFT startup developing an infrastructure to improve non-fungible token trading. As the project announced yesterday, it raised $3.4 million in a funding round led by ARCA, Cumberland, Psalion, Master Ventures, Zeneca, GM Capital, and Spencer VC. Additional participants included over 50 angel investors. 

The recent funding follows a $1.6 million seed round in 2022 led by ARCA, GSR, Psalion, Fasanara and Alchemy Ventures. This raises the firm’s total funds raised to $5 million.

According to Evans Varsamis, the project’s CEO, Mintify is designed both for “professional traders” and those wanting to “join the scene.”

Mintify supports Ethereum (ETH) and its layer-2 networks, Base and Blast. The project claims to have over 140,000 active wallets. It also plans to expand to support Bitcoin’s Ordinals and other blockchain networks and launch its token in 2024.

The announcement did not disclose what the funds would be used for.

Other funding rounds in July

In addition to these projects, notable funding rounds reported last week included mining giant Riot taking over its competitor Block Mining for $92.5 million and web3 gaming startup NPC Labs raising $18 million.

Prior to that, blockchain-based data platform Allium raised $16.5 million in a series A funding round.

Tổng hợp và chỉnh sửa: ThS Phạm Mạnh Cường
Theo Crypto News

Japanese crypto exchange Bitbank eyes IPO on Tokyo Stock Exchange

Crypto exchange Bitbank is gearing up for an initial public offering on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, becoming the second Japanese crypto exchange to seek regulatory approval to go public.

Bitbank Inc., a Japanese crypto trading platform, is seeking to go public as part of its strategy to expand its market presence and capitalize on the growing interest in digital assets in Japan.

According to a regulatory filing published today, July 31, the trading firm wants to go public on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, although the timing and specifics of the public offering remain uncertain as they are subject to regulatory approvals and other procedural requirements.

Established in 2014, Bitbank boasts a capital base of ¥8.65 billion yen (around $60 million), as of the end of last year, per the filing. The exchange didn’t rule out the possibility that the listing could be halted depending on future evaluations and market conditions.

As of June, Bitbank’s major shareholders included its co-founder Noriyuki Hirose with a 30.69% stake, MIXI, Inc. holding 26.99%, and Ceres Inc. with 23.05%.

In 2021, Bitbank secured ¥7.5 billion in funding from MIXI and Ceres to double down on its existing business as well as new ventures such as initial exchange offering, staking, custody, non-fungible tokens and a payment method based on a layer-2 solution. Unlike MIXI, Ceres — a Japanese marketing services provider — also supported Bitbank with funding as early as 2015, though the amount of that funding remains unclear.

Bitbank’s filing makes it the second Japaneses crypto exchange seeking to go public. Coincheck plans to go public on Nasdaq, via a merger with special purpose acquisition company Thunder Bridge Capital Partners IV, expected to finalize in Q3 of this year.

Tổng hợp và chỉnh sửa: ThS Phạm Mạnh Cường
Theo Crypto News

Unexpected twist: SEC became defendant in the NFT classification lawsuit

Law professor and filmmaker Brian Frye and songwriter Jonathon Mann have filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The lawyers argue that the SEC’s approach to regulation threatens the livelihoods of artists and creators experimenting with NFTs.

What the lawsuit says

According to the document, the plaintiffs want to determine whether NFT falls under the regulator’s jurisdiction. The lawyers asked the SEC to answer what actions could lead to applying securities laws to create and sell NFTs. The lawsuit also asks for information about registering NFTs before they can be sold.

“Two recent administrative actions launched by the SEC suggest that the SEC is getting into the art business, determining when art needs to be registered with the federal government before it can be sold.”

The document’s authors compared non-fungible tokens to Taylor Swift concert tickets, often resold on the secondary market. Mann and Frye are in exactly the same position in this lawsuit. The lawyers argue that it would be absurd for the SEC to classify such tickets or collectibles as securities:

“They are artists, and they want to create and sell their digital art, without the SEC investigating them or filing a lawsuit.”

The SEC’s first lawsuit against NFTs

In 2021, the media company Impact Theory released the Founder’s Keys NFT collection. The company promoted the project from October to December 2021. The collection included tokens of three different rarity levels.

As a result, in August 2023, the SEC accused Impact Theory of promoting securities without registration. The company used NFTs to attract investors, raising about $30 million. This was the regulator’s first case against NFTs.

The SEC believes the company positioned the project as an investment in business. In particular, it guaranteed holders high profits and promised extensive prospects.

Thus, the regulator considered that the specified NFTs had the features of an investment contract and, as a result, were classified as securities. By promoting the collection, the company violated federal laws in this industry.

Impact Theory agreed to pay a $6.1 million fine without admitting or denying guilt. In addition, they decided to destroy the tokens and their mentions from websites and social networks.

What is considered securities according to the SEC

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission considers cryptocurrency a commodity. The regulator proposes to apply the tax regime developed for goods to cryptocurrency and to regard the actions of issuers as producers of goods. However, no rules in the U.S. would oblige issuers to register tokens as goods.

When assessing the status of cryptocurrencies, the SEC appeals to the Howey test.

The regulator sees the new financial instrument as having security characteristics and believes cryptocurrency falls within its legislative field.

According to the SEC, all tokens, in one way or another, fall under several criteria designated by the agency: pre-sale or fundraising, promises to improve the project through ongoing business and marketing development, and the use of social networks to demonstrate the project’s capabilities and advantages.

However, no arbitration body could resolve the dispute between two American regulators, so each agency works by its vision of the situation.

Traders are losing interest in NFTs, unlike regulators

Despite the regulators’ interest in non-fungible tokens, the excitement around NFTs continues to decline. Thus, in July, the volume of sales in the NFT sector amounted to $395.5 million, according to CryptoSlam. This is a new minimum since November 2023.

The NFT sector has been in a downward trend for a long time. Sales volume and the number of unique buyers and sellers have been steadily falling since March 2024.

Source: CryptoSlam

In addition, sales volume fell by 45% in Q2 2024 compared to Q1 — $2.2 billion against $4.1 billion.

The decline in July began in the middle of the month. At the same time, in early July, there were signs of a recovery in sales volume after a significant drop in June. At the same time, July became the third-largest month in terms of transaction volume in 2023. 

During this period, 9.9 million transactions were recorded, compared to 5.7 million in June. However, this can hardly be a positive sign since the average sale price in July reached a new minimum since September 2023 — $39.56.

What threatens NFT: SEC or a decline in interest

According to the latest lawsuit against the SEC, the status of non-fungible tokens remains to be determined. However, the regulator is attracting less interest in this area due to the waning excitement around NFTs.

In any case, the SEC’s approach to regulation threatens NFTs, which were initially conceived as an element of creativity in the entire blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

Tổng hợp và chỉnh sửa: ThS Phạm Mạnh Cường
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